Thursday, July 30, 2009


I am always humbled whenever a student knows more about something technological than me. This program was an opportunity to better understand 2.0 technologies. Some of the "things" I was already using or had used in the past, like YouTube, IM, wikis, podcasts, blogs, Flickr... In these cases, the "thing" was a refresher or gave me new insight into how I could use it in the library environment. Some of the "things" I personally did not like. I am not, for example, likely to visit Twitter very often. However, I felt it important that I know what it is and how it works so I can better understand the mainstream. A few of the "things" I've wanted to explore for a while, but never got around to until now- like Facebook and Delicious. I didn't think I had enough time for Facebook, but I've learned that it makes keeping in touch very efficient. I will definitely keep up with my Delicious account- I'm adding and tagging websites all the time. The image generators were a lot of fun. I used one to create an image for our school library website. Some of the other "things" I didn't see a need for now, but filed away the information for later. One technology that was not on the list was widgets- like Animoto. This might be something to consider for the future.

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